Johannes Schuster

Over the years of the school’s growth Johannes pioneered a particular approach to design, which he now defines as “Biosculptural” Architecture and which he documented in 2007 as part of the school’s revision and documentation of a new Master Plan.It was this approach which brought the Little Yarra Steiner School to the attention of colleagues from the European Organic Architecture Movement. The school was featured in a number of overseas publications and is currently part of a traveling exhibition on “Organic Architecture” displayed in various capital cities in Europe and Asia.
Between 2011 – 2015 Johannes was offering a number of courses on the “Architecture of Universal Beauty” (AUB), whose central theme is the spiritually transformative effects of Art and Architecture. In 2015 Johannes was invited by IFMA (International Forum Mensch+Architektur ) and the Section for Visual Art at the Goetheanum to run a 7 day Seminar on the theme: Towards a Language of Form in Art and Nature – The 4 Ethers as bridge between Spirit and Matter. A continuation of the Seminar on the theme: Etheric Forces and Creative Process as Bridge between Spirit and Matter – was held at the Goetheanum in July 2016.
More recently Johannes founded the TRANSFORMATIVE ART & ARCHITECTURE – INTERNATIONAL ANTHROPOSOPHIC TRAINING INITIATIVE within which he has been offering courses and workshops in Australia, Europe, South East Asia, China and South America. The aim of this initiative is to research, formulate and teach an Anthroposophically based theory of form and methodology that makes morally transformative forms of art & architecture accessible in both, theory and practice.
In addition to lecturing Johannes also works as Organisational/Development Consultant to Waldorf Schools and as Architectural/Biosculptural Consultant to schools and other organizational and private clients in Australia and internationally.